Freud’s Collected Works

Volume I - Freud and Breuer: Studies on Hysteria

Volume II - Clinical Case Studies of Freud

Volume III - Lectures on the Introduction to Psychoanalysis

Volume IV- Brief Outline of Psychoanalysis

Volume V - On Psychoanalysis and other works

Volume VI - On the Psychopathology of Everyday Life and Related Metapsychological Writings

Volume VII - The Interpretation of Dreams with Collected writings on Dreams

Volume VIII - The Unconscious and Related Writings

Volume IX - Civilization and Its Discontents and other writings on Mass Psychology

Volume X Moses and the Monotheistic Religion and other Writings on Religion

Volume XI - "Totem and Taboo" and other writings on Myths, Folklore and Narrative Symbolism

Volume XII - Beyond the Pleasure Principle and other Writings on Morality

Volume XIII - Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality and other writings on Sexuality and Gender

Volume XIV- Why War?: Freud's letter to Einstein and other Writings on War and Death


Volume I - Freud and Breuer: Studies on Hysteria

Freud's first major publication, his 1895 "Studies on Hysteria" ("Studien über Hysterie") along with his related essay "On the Psychic Mechanism of Hysterical Phenomena" ("über den psychischen Mechanismus hysterischer Phänomene") which summarizes this work. These were originally published separately, and later combined. This work lays the foundation of his life's work in clinical psychotherapy and started his academic career and is considered the first treatise on classical psychoanalysis ever published.


Volume II - Clinical Case Studies of Freud

Freud's clinical studies upon which he built his broader theories into one edition, starting with his earliest works on the origins of Hysteria. His 1895 studies on hysteria are published in a separate volume due to its size, but all works related to his analysis of specific cases he took on as a clinical psychologist are included here. The 9 works are included in this edition are:


Original Titles in German:

1905 Bruchstück einer Hysterie-Analyse

1908 Hysterische Phantasien und ihre Beziehung zur Bisexualität

1909 Allgemeines über den hysterischen Anfall

1909 Bemerkungen über einen Fall von Zwangsneurose

1911 Psychoanalytische Bemerkungen über einen autobiographisch beschriebenen Fall von Paranoia (Dementia paranoides)

1918 Aus der Geschichte einer infantilen Neurose

1931 Über libidinöse Typen

1909 Analyse der Phobie eines fünfjährigen Knaben

1922 Über einige neurotische Mechanismen bei Eifersucht


In English:

1905 Fragment of an analysis of hysteria

1908 Hysterical Fantasies and their Relationship to Bisexuality

1909 General remarks on the hysterical attack

1909 Remarks on a case of obsessive-compulsive neurosis

1911 Psychoanalytic remarks on an autobiographically described case of paranoia (dementia paranoides)

1918 From the history of an infantile neurosis

1931 On libidinous types

1909 Analysis of the phobia of a five-year-old boy

1922 On some neurotic mechanisms in jealousy



Volume III - Lectures on the Introduction to Psychoanalysis

Freud's 1916 Lectures on the Introduction to Psychoanalysis (Vorlesungen zur Einfurgrung in die Psychoanalyse) These lectures contain some of his most important social commentary, including a scathing condemnation of Marxism. He gave these lectures again in 1933, which were printed separately.


Volume IV- Brief Outline of Psychoanalysis


A new 2023 illustrated translation into modern American English from the original German manuscript of Freud's famous 1924 Brief Outline of Psychoanalysis (Kurzer Abriß der Psychoanalyse)

Volume V - On Psychoanalysis and other works

Freud's 1910 On Psychoanalysis and related essays on Psychoanalysis. This edition contains the following works:


1910 On Psychoanalysis (Über Psychoanalyse)

1925 The Resistance to Psychoanalysis (Die Widerstände gegen die Psychoanalyse)

1926 The question of lay analysis (Die Frage der Laienanalyse)


Volume VI - On the Psychopathology of Everyday Life and Related Metapsychological Writings

Freud's 1904 On the psychopathology of everyday life (Zur Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens) followed by the 1905 The Joke and its Relation to the Unconscious (Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewußten). These are two major works concerning his metapsychological concepts, now printed in one unique edition.



Volume VII - The Interpretation of Dreams with Collected writings on Dreams

"The interpretation of dreams, however, is the via regia to the knowledge of the unconscious in the life of the soul."

Freud's famous 1900 The Interpretation of Dreams (Die Traumdeutung) including the three forwards he wrote to different versions of it, followed by 5 other writings exclusively focused on Dreaming and Dream metapsychology. Together, this collection constitutes Freud's major works focused on Dream Analysis printed in one edition:


In German:

1900 Die Traumdeutung

1911 Träume im Folklore

1913 Ein Traum als Beweismittel

1913 Märchenstoffe in Träumen

1922 Traum und Telepathie


In English:

1900 Interpretation of Dreams

1911 Dreams in folklore

1913 A dream as evidence

1913 Fairy Tale Elements in Dreams

1922 Dream and Telepathy

Volume VIII - The Unconscious and Related Writings

Freud's 1915 The Unconscious (Das Unbewußte) followed by the related 1915 writing "Instincts and their Vicissitudes" (Triebe und Triebschicksale), 1917 Mourning and Melancholia and his 1919 The Uncanny (Das Unheimliche), all of which comment on the power of the Unconscious. This edition unifies all of his core works on the nature and function of the Unconscious.

Volume IX - Civilization and Its Discontents and other writings on Mass Psychology

Freud's 1930 "Civilization and its Discontents" (which is sometimes translated as The Discomfort in Culture) followed by his 1921 Mass Psychology and Ego Analysis (Massenpsychologie und Ich-Analyse). This collection constitutes Freud's major works focused on Ego-formation and cultural movements.


In German:

1930 Das Unbehagen in der Kultur

1921 Massenpsychologie und Ich-Analyse


In English:

1930 Civilization and its Discontents (literally "The Discomfort in Culture")

1921 Mass Psychology and Ego Analysis

Volume X Moses and the Monotheistic Religion and other Writings on Religion

Freud's 1939 Moses the Man and the Monotheistic Religion, his last published major work, followed by his 1927 The Future of an Illusion (Die Zukunft einer Illusion) and several other major works on religion. This collection constitutes Freud's major works focused on the critique of religion, which was a major conflict between Freud and Carl Jung.

This edition includes a rare and bizarre 1928 Pathography essay on Dostoevsky, whom he thought no one would care about in the future. The works included in this edition are:


In German:

1907 Zwangshandlungen und Religionsübungen

1916 Vergänglichkeit

1927 Die Zukunft einer Illusion

1928 Dostojewski und die Vatertötung

1937 Die endliche und die unendliche Analyse

1939 Der Mann Moses und die monotheistische Religion


In English:

1907 Compulsive Acts and Religious Exercises

1916 Transience (or impermanence)

1927 The Future of an Illusion

1928 Dostoevsky and the Killing of the Father

1937 The finite and the infinite analysis

1939 Moses the Man and the Monotheistic Religion


Volume XI - "Totem and Taboo" and other writings on Myths, Folklore and Narrative Symbolism

Freud's famous 1912 Totem and Taboo, followed by several other works related to symbolic interpretation and cultural myth-making, printed in one edition for the first time.


In German:

1912-13 Totem und Tabu

1913 Das Motiv der Kästchenwahl

1916 Eine Beziehung zwischen einem Symbol und einem Symptom

1916 Mythologische Parallele zu einer plastischen Zwangsvorstellung

1923 Eine Teufelsneurose im siebzehnten Jahrhundert


In English:

1912-13 Totem and Taboo

1913 The Motif of Coffin selection

1916 A relationship between a symbol and a symptom

1916  Mythological Parallel to a Visual Obsession

1923 A devils neurosis in the seventeenth century



Volume XII - Beyond the Pleasure Principle and other Writings on Morality

Freud's 1920 Beyond the Pleasure Principle (Jenseits des Lustprinzips) and related wrings on the antinomy of sexuality and morality. Here, Feuerbach's influence on Freud shines through as his Materialistic Epicureanism meets Hume's English Empiricism. This collection combines 4 major works on Sexual Ethics and MetaPsychological concepts into a single volume, containing:


In German:

1920 Jenseits des Lustprinzips

1906 Meine Ansichten über die Rolle der Sexualität in der Ätiologie der Neurosen

1908 Der Dichter und das Phantasieren

1924 Der Untergang des Ödipuskomplexes


In English:

1920 Beyond the Pleasure Principle

1906 My Views on the Role of Sexuality in the Etiology of the Neuroses

1908 The Poet and Fantasizing

1924 The demise of the Oedipus complex


Volume XIII - Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality and other writings on Sexuality and Gender

Freud's 1905 Three Treatises on Sexual Theory (Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie) and related wrings on the sexuality and gender formation. Here, Feuerbach's influence on Freud shines through as his Epicureanism meets Hume's English Empiricism combined with Materialism. This collection combines 10 major works on the scientific nature of sexuality, gender and psycho-sexual formation into a single volume. His other works on Sexual Ethics and MetaPsychological concepts are printed in a different volume. This edition contains the following works:


In German:

1905 Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie

1925 Einige psychische Folgen des anatomischen Geschlechtsunterschieds

1923 Die infantile Genitalorganisation

1927 Fetischismus

1908 Hysterical fantasies and their relation to bisexuality


In English:

1905 Three Treatises on Sexual Theory

1925 Some psychological consequences of the anatomical sex difference

1923 The infantile genital organization

1927 Fetishism

1924 The Economic Problem of Masochism


XIV- Why War?: Freud's letter to Einstein and other Writings on War and Death

Freud's 1933 "Why War?" letter written to Einstein followed by related works on war and death. This edition contains the following works:

1933 Why War?

1915 Contemporary Notes on War and Death

1933 On a Worldview


The Father and Sons of Nihilism: Turgenev's Proto-Nihilism


Schopenhauer: Making the Unconscious Conscious